ONE-LINE SUBJECT MATTER INDEX TO THE COLUMNS (Topics That Were Covered) $$$CPYRT : COPYRIGHT NOTICE $$$INDEX : MEMBER NAMING SCHEME FOR THIS FILE $$$PERMT : PERMISSION TO DISTRIBUTE THIS MATERIAL $$DIRECT : ONE-LINE SUBJECT MATTER INDEX TO THE COLUMNS $$INTRO : AUTHOR'S PREFACE AND "QUICK INTRO" ------------------------------------------------------------------- @PDSART0 : The PDS Program - Course Intro @PDSART1 : Public MVS Software - The PDS Program - Part One @PDSART2 : Public MVS Software - The PDS Program - Part Two @PDSART3 : Public MVS Software - The PDS Program - Part Three @SMINTRO : Introduction to my 1988 SMP Article @SMPART1 : SMP Demystified: Part I @SMPART2 : SMP Demystified: Part II ------------------------------------------------------------------- BM0009SE : The Joy of "SHARE" (separate article - not published) BM0806JN : TSO/E Control Blocks, and more BM0901JA : TSO Authorization Tables BM0902FE : TSO Authorization Tables - Part 2 BM1005MY : APF-Authorized TSO Commands BM1006JN : Sharing the Load BM1911NV : The Value of Tools, new and old - Part 1 BM1912DE : The Value of Tools, new and old - Part 2 (Some newer tools you may not know about) BM2001JA : 8-character TSO userids in z/OS 2.3 BM2001JB : Saving and reloading IPL text-a new technique BM2001JC : CNCLPG - Altering an address space - for free BM2002FE : ONLCLIP - Changing the VOLSER of a disk pack (while the pack remains online) BM2003MA : Using z/OS System Services Macros, or not BM2011NV : An introduction to the IBM Mainframe and its z/OS operating system BM2302FE : Making Better Sense out of Load Modules ------------------------------------------------------------------- CL8901JA : Intro to the column, miscellaneous tools, the CBT tape CL8902FE : Various dataset and DASD management tricks CL8903MA : ISPF command table, LPA loading at IPL, the ABE editor CL8904AP : Enlarging the VTOC of an active disk pack CL8905MY : DELINK and RELINK of Load Modules CL8905X1 : Further notes on ISPF command table additions CL8906JN : Retrieving material from IBM's Source Tapes CL8907JL : The Amazing EXCP-count Zap CL8909SE : The SLAC Mods to Assembler H CL8910OC : View Jobs and Output directly from Spool--QUEUE & SDF CL8911NV : No-Cost Subsystems: TSSO, ETPS, and CMD1 CL8912DE : Convert CLIST libraries from VB to FB and vice-versa CL9001JA : Tape mapping, tape looking, and tape copying CL9002FE : Some changing tools on the CBT Tape; SLAC ASMBR Part 2 CL9004AP : The PDS Program Product, Part 1 CL9005MY : The PDS Program Product, Part 2 CL9006JN : The effect of changing some of the fields in the VTOC CL9007JL : Pre-processing SMPPTFIN data (not dependent on SMP/E) CL9008AU : SMP/E Hacking Example - Regressing VTAM, Part 1 CL9009SE : SMP/E Hacking Example - Regressing VTAM, Part 2 CL9010OC : MAPXA and BLKDISK: two useful TSO commands CL9011NV : Bill Godfrey's contributions; The new REVIEW command CL9012DE : The ARCHIVER - Part 1 - A new product and concept CL9101JA : The ARCHIVER - Part 2 - More about this new product CL9102FE : Conversion between CLIST formats: VB-FB, FB-VB CL9103MA : Public software tapes revisited CL9104AP : Browsing Virtual Storage: the "LOOK" TSO command CL9105MY : Member group selection in Partitioned Datasets CL9106JN : DYNAMASK - Changing device names on a live system CL9107JL : Making your own PTFs, a valuable technique - Part 1 CL9108AU : Making your own PTFs, a valuable technique - Part 2 CL9109SE : Exploiting PDS directory fields - Part 1 CL9110OC : Exploiting PDS directory fields - Part 2 CL9111NV : Exploiting PDS directory fields - Part 3 CL9112DE : About Dataset Block Sizes and I/O Efficiency - Part 1 CL9201JA : About Dataset Block Sizes and I/O Efficiency - Part 2 CL9202FE : About Dataset Block Sizes and I/O Efficiency - Part 3 CL9203MA : A Tour of the World through Fullscreen ZAP - Part 1 CL9204AP : A Tour of the World through Fullscreen ZAP - Part 2 CL9205MY : Making the Most of your Tools CL9206JN : Public software tapes revisited CL9207JL : Some ASSEMBLER thoughts - The New H-L Asmblr - Part 1 CL9208AU : Some ASSEMBLER thoughts - The New H-L Asmblr - Part 2 CL9209SE : SMP/E Tools you should have - Part 1 CL9210OC : SMP/E Tools you should have - Part 2 CL9211NV : Following my own advice: how NOT to upgrade JES2 Exits CL9212DE : Putting your Tools together - Part 1 - ISPF Cmd Tables CL9301JA : Putting your Tools together - Part 2 - Tool Packages CL9302FE : Putting your Tools together - Part 3 - Miscellaneous CL9303MA : "Show Me MVS" in one place - The SHOWMVS command CL9304AP : Copying tapes correctly CL9305JL : Making sequential files out of PDS'es, and vice-versa CL9306SE : TSO help, without the drawbacks (the HEL command) CL9307NV : IEHMAP, and Other Stories CL9401JA : The Fascination of the Disassembler - Part 1 CL9402MA : The Fascination of the Disassembler - Part 2 CL9403MY : Assembling Program Patches - The ASMTOZAP Program CL9404JL : 2 Topics: Rebirth of IEHMOVE, Loading JES2 Exits CL9405OC : The REVIEW command revisited CL9406NV : Your TSO Session - Using the PSCB CL9407DE : Your TSO Session - Using the TSO Session Manager CL9501JA : On Finding Programs - BLDL and LLA CL9502FE : On Dataset Recovery - Introduction CL9503MA : Dataset Recovery Methodology - Part 2 CL9504AP : VTOC Tidbits - Part 1 CL9505MY : VTOC Tidbits - Part 2 CL9506JN : A VTOC Adventure - Part 3 CL9507JL : Exploring SYS1.BRODCAST CL9508AU : A Novice's Guide to Assembler Programming - Part 1 CL9509SE : A Novice's Guide to Assembler Programming - Part 2 CL9510OC : Working With TSO - Part 1 CL9511NV : Working With TSO - Part 2 CL9512DE : Keeping up with the Unit Control Block - Part 1 CL9601JA : Keeping up with the Unit Control Block - Part 2 CL9602FE : Edit and System Recovery CL9603MA : Your Own World of Edit Macros CL9604AP : The Place of Free Software in Today's MVS Shop CL9605MY : Eyes - Part 1 CL9606JN : Eyes - Part 2 CL9607JL : Eyes - Part 3 - Using SMP/E CL9608AU : Personal Tools For Your SMP Work CL9609SE : Tidbits CL9610OC : Getting Started with Public MVS Software CL9611NV : Alternatives and Dataset Recovery CL9612DE : On Finding Things CL9702FE : Creative Enqueuing CL9703MA : Harnessing Macro Power - Part 1 CL9704AP : Harnessing Macro Power - Part 2 CL9705MY : It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's SUPRNAME CL9706JN : Timing Out CL9707JL : Old Code--Old Gold CL9708AU : Profiles in Creativity CL9709SE : System Programmer Creativity CL9710OC : Why Not Run a Batch Job? CL9711NV : Help in Keeping Your System Up CL9712DE : Remembering TSSO CL9801JA : Looking at Virtual Storage CL9802FE : Assorted Utilities - Part 1 CL9803MA : Assorted Utilities - Part 2 CL9804AP : Other People's Problems CL9805MY : Undeleting Data - Part 1 CL9806JN : Undeleting Data - Part 2 CL9807JL : When IBM Says You Can't... Sometimes You Can CL9808SE : When IBM Says You Can't... Sometimes You Can - Part 2 CL9809OC : An Important Y2K Technique CL9810NV : Expanding Your Horizons CL9811DE : Setting Yourself Up CL9901JA : CBT Tape Support Online CL9902FE : Resource Affinity Implementation Efforts CL9903MA : SMP/E Preprocessing CL9904AP : Awareness CL9905MY : Highlights of CBT Tape Version 420 CL9906JN : Selections from CBT Tape Version 420 (and 421) CL9907JL : Writing Your Own TSO Command Processor - Part 1 CL9908AU : Writing Your Own TSO Command Processor - Part 2 CL9909SE : PC's, C, and Assembler CL9910OC : Zapping, Disassembling, Delinking, AND Re-linkediting CL9911NV : Learning Our Trade CL9912DE : Using XMIT to Package MVS Files CM0001JA : Recent CBT Tape News CM0002FE : Assembler MACRO Collections - Part 1 CM0003MA : Assembler MACRO Collections - Part 2 CM0004AP : Learning About Your MVS System CM0005MY : Accumulating Assembler Techniques CM0006JN : Copying Tapes CM0007JL : Scanning for Parms in a Batch Program CM0008AU : The CVT - The Backbone of MVS CM0010OC : Running MVS on a PC CM0011NV : Designing Software: What's in it for Us? CM0012DE : Keeping Your Finger on the Pulse CM0101JA : Tapes and Their Labels CM0102FE : Defining Dataset Characteristics CM0103MA : ISPF Interfaces for MVS Programs CM0104AP : The Art of the Zap CM0105MY : Using Sysprog Tools With App-Prog Authority CM0106JN : Figuring Out That Module CM0107JL : EBCDIC to ASCII - YES or NO? CM0108AU : Assembler Programming Revisited CM0109SE : Navigating the CBT Tape Collection CM0110OC : Learning About MVS from the SMF Book CM0111NV : TSO Basics, Revisited CM0112DE : Virtual Tapes CM0201JA : Does Software Use depend on Software Cost? CM0202FE : The New "REVIEW" CM0203MA : Glossaries CM0204AP : CBT Tape Software Packaging CM0205MY : Driven By Necessity CM0206JL : Retro MVS Computing CM0207AU : Positions, and the Division of Labor CM0208SE : Recovery Tools CM0209OC : Developments in Free MVS Software CM0210NV : Thoughts About Assembler Macros CM0211DE : Tricks with Tapes - Part 1 - Tape Concepts CM0301JA : Tricks with Tapes - PART 2 - Tape Copying Tricks CM0302FE : Tricks with Tapes - PART 3 - Using EXCP CM0303MA : A Replacement for MCNVTCAT CM0304AP : TSSO Revisited CM0305MY : The CBT Overflow Tape CM0306JN : Exploring MVS SAMPLIBs CM0307JL : Athleticism in Systems Programming CM0308AU : Novel Ideas CM0309SE : A Fresh Look at the PDS Command Package CM0310OC : A Philosophy of MVS Utility Design - Power vs Safety CM0311NV : Making Life Complicated CM0312DE : Everybody's Different CM0401JA : Playing CM0402FE : Modularizing an MVS System - Part 1 CM0403MA : Modularizing an MVS System - Part 2 CM0404AP : Modularizing an MVS System - Part 3 CM0405MY : What's Foremost in your Mind CM0406JN : CBT Tape New Contributions CM0407JL : Measuring and Accessing Tape Data CM0408AU : Anatomy of an MVS Battlewagon CM0409SE : Administering SYS1.BRODCAST CM0410OC : Work and Play CM0411NV : PDS and PDSE CM0412DE : Ideas CM0501JA : My Point of View CM0502FE : Emulation and MVS CM0503MA : Creativity CM0504AP : MVS System Levels CM0505MY : Accumulating Knowledge in Assembler CM0506JN : Figuring Stuff Out CM0507JL : MVS is its History CM0508AU : How To Do Stuff Right CM0509SE : Power Versus Safety CM0510OC : The 30th Anniversary of the CBT Tape CM0511NV : Making Your Work Shorter with Tools CM0512DE : All Beginnings are Difficult CM0601JA : Working With What You Have, and Enjoying It CM0602FE : TSO/E Control Blocks - Part 1 CM0603MA : TSO/E Control Blocks - Part 2 CM0604AP : Internationalization CM0605MY : Why Control Blocks? CM0606JN : The World Should be Full of Collectors CM0607JL : The World Should be Full of Collectors - 2 CM0608AU : CBT Tape Packaging CM0609SE : Find and Replace in Place CM0610OC : MVS Knowledge CM0611NV : System Recovery Tools - Part 1 CM0612DE : System Recovery Tools - Part 2 CM0701JA : A Little Bit at a Time CM0702FE : Technology Breeds Technology CM0703MA : Sanity Checks and Programming Enhancements CM0704AP : MVS Experience CM0705MY : If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It CM0706JN : The Structure of the Broadcast Dataset - Part 1 CM0707JL : The Structure of the Broadcast Dataset - Part 2 CM0708AU : The Structure of the Broadcast Dataset - Part 3 CM0709SE : System Software "Quality" CM0710OC : Exploring "Live" Storage with the "LOOK" TSO Command CM0711NV : Displaying MVS System Values - Part 1 CM0712DE : Displaying MVS System Values - Part 2 CM0801JA : Protecting Our Code From System Errors CM0802FE : CBT Tape Recent Developments - Part 1 CM0803MA : CBT Tape Recent Developments - Part 2 CM0804AP : Tape Mapping, Tape Measuring, Tape Copying CM0805MY : Preserving Your Tapes For Posterity