S370ASM Group
Turnkey MVS
There is a Yahoo! group, hercules-s370asm, dedicated to related discussions.
Please join us if you find the subject of interest.
A S/370 assembler tutorial is currently under construction, but the ongoing
discussions in the group are just as valuable so you don't need to wait for
the tutorial to be completed to join the fun.
Although there are several operating systems that can run on the S/370 hardware,
our main focus will usually be MVS38j which is the final public domain version
of the MVS operating system.
Volker Bandke provides a Turnkey MVS distribution containing MVS38j.
The Turnkey system includes the free IFOX00 assembler (ASMF), as well as numerous other facilities.
The Turnkey system supports installation under Linux, Windows, and possibly other platforms;
it can also optionally install Hercules itself.
Windows users will require the Cygwin package, see BSP-GMBH for further details.
For more information on the Hercules emulator, including a possibly more recent
version of the emulator than is provided with the Turnkey MVS distribution, visit
the Hercules homepage.
For more information on the other Hercules groups, visit the Hercules main group's
Links section.
Discussion groups
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