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Welcome to the Hercules S/370 Assembler Tutorial, currently under development.
Navigation through the tutorial is provided by the PREVIOUS, CONTENTS, and NEXT
links located at the top and bottom of most tutorial pages. Follow the NEXT
links to read the tutorial in sequence, or select pages from the CONTENTS page
which is arranged by category.
When following the NEXT links, the tutorial proceeds as follows
How do I get started learning S/370 Assembler?
The resources you have to collect, and the activities you have to perform
if you want to perform the tasks described in the tutorial on your own
MVS38j system.
Assembling, Linking, and Executing IEFBR14
Example MVS JCL and the output produced to assemble, link, and execute
our first program IEFBR14
Overview of S/370 hardware
Brief description of the S/370 architecture
The S/370 Reference Summary
Brief description of the most-used S/370 architecture document
Imaginary history of the S/370 hardware design
Further introduction to S/370 hardware, using an imaginary
S/370 hardware and software team to demonstrate some
of the major design concepts introduced with the S/370
Introduction to S/370 Principles of Operation
Overview of the major contents of the definitive S/370 architecture
Learning about IEFBR14 using POPs
Using POPs to understand the IEFBR14 program
Learning about IEFBR14 using Hercules diagnostic tools
Hercules breakpoint, virtual storage display, and instruction stepping
Tutorial Quick Reference