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Steve Samson

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                How to contribute to the CBT Tape
You can drop off anything you would like to add to the tape
 via anonymous FTP to cbttape.org  /pub/incoming . This is a 
write only directory.  You can drop something off and only Sam Knutson or
Sam Golob will be able to get it.  We just don't want anyone using our FTP to
exchange any copyrighted material so have taken this little precaution.
Please send us a note to let us know what you left.
You can also send email if FTP is not convenient.  Sam Golob's email adresses is:
Tapes or diskettes can still be sent to my postal mailing address:
      Sam Golob,  P.O. Box 906,  Tallman, NY 10982-0906
Obviously, you can't send mail there via UPS or private carriers
which don't deliver mail to post office boxes.  Most people won't
need this, however, because the vast majority of the contributions
are electronic.  If you have a problem, please email or write to me.
      The CBT Tape files can be "owned", but the contributor must
allow unlimited copying and use of the material.  However, a
copyright notice may stipulate ownership restrictions, or that
the material may not be sold.
      To send a contribution electronically, do the following:
 A.  Try and let me know in advance.  This is not necessary,
     just helpful.  An email message will be fine.
 B.  Create one or more partitioned datasets containing the
     contribution.  Source code should be RECFM=FB, LRECL=80.
     Load libraries are fine.  Other pds'es can be sent also,
     if they are needed.  The LRECL doesn't matter, because I
     can put them on the tape in IEBCOPY format.
     Do not send code which expires with time.  Someone with an
     old tape, might have to install your stuff in a few years,
     and we don't want any funny things to happen because of
     timeouts.  Almost all contributions contain complete source
     Please write sufficient documentation, so that a reasonably
     skilled system programmer can install your stuff without
     outside help.  Please include your postal mailing address,
     phone number, and email addresses, so that someone who
     does need help, or who wants to report a bug, can contact
     you.  Under special circumstances, a contributor might want
     to remain anonymous.  Please contact me to figure out what
     to do, in your special case.  I have made a few such
     arrangements in the past.
 C.  Put your PDS into TSO XMIT format.  This is easy to do:
     Allocate a RECFM=FB, LRECL=80, DSORG=PS output dataset.
     Then run the TSO command XMIT as follows:
   XMIT yournode.yourid DATASET(your.pds) OUTDATASET(your.ps.fb80)
                    (or INDATASET)
     Once your output dataset is created, download it to a pc
     without any translation (no ASCII) or line feed (no CRLF).
     In other words, download it in BINARY.
 D.  From the pc, write an email to me (preferably copy both my
     addresses), and attach the downloaded XMIT-format file to
     the email.  That's it.  If the XMIT-format file is very big,
     you can PKZIP it first, and then attach it to the email.
That's all there is to it.  Please let me know, in the email message,
what you're sending, and what format it's in.  Thanks in advance.
Regards,    Sam Golob

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