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VM/370 R6

These are very large files and it may not be practical to successfully ownload them using low speed network connections.

2000: Bob Abeles's VM/370 R6 distribution

Bob Abeles released a copy of the IBM VM/370 R6 distribution in its original form, circa 1979 - two "tapes" created with the VM/370 DASD Dump Restore (DDR) program, which need to be restored to 3330 disks. This is exactly how a new IBM customer would have installed VM on their new System/370.

The ".bz2" files are compressed in bzip2 format. The bzip2 and libbzip2 home page has information and source code for the bzip2 utility.

Another download location for Bob Abeles's VM/370 R6 is http://source.rfc822.org/pub/mirror/hercules/vm via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

2004: Andy Norrie's VM/370 R6 "4-Pack" System

Andy Norrie built atop Bob Abeles's system. He put a lot of effort into re-working and cross checking the patches.

Download from Norrie's VM/370 Page http://www.boglob.co.uk/vmdist.html via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

Paul Gorlinsky's 2006 5-Pack System

In 2006, Paul Gorlinsky released the "5-Pack" VM/370 system. As Dave Wade wrote, "It has all of Andy's fixes, plus many enhancements that make it an almost useable system."

The "5-pack" system is not available from the CBT Tape, but you can dowload it from Dave Wade's http://www.smrcc.org.uk/members/g4ugm/vm-370/VMDIST.zip website, via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

2009-2021: Bob O'Hara's "SixPack"

In 2009, Bob O'Hara, one of the early IBM VM/370 programmers, announced Release 1.0 of the "SixPack" system. As he wrote, it 'rolls up all of the modifications posted on the H390-VM and Hercules-os380 Yahoo groups since the "5-pack" system was released in 2006.' As with earlier systems, the name comes from the fact that it is organized as 6 3350 disks. Bob's annoucement credited "Robert O'Hara, Paul Edwards, and Dave Wade. It is based on earlier versions of VM/370 for Hercules developed by Andy Norrie and Paul Gorlinsky."

Bob and Dave coordinated 4 releases of the SixPack. They are not available from the CBT Tape, but you can download them from Dave Wade's website, via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine:

2021 to now: VM/370 Community Edition

In 2021, several folks were preparing a new update to the SixPack system. A discussion ensued about how to name the new system, and they settled on "VM/370 Community Edition".

These distributions are not available from the CBT Tape, but you can download them from the http://vm370.org website. Like the the 4, 5, and 6-pack systems, these VM/370 CE distributions are packaged as a ZIP file (e.g., VM370CE.V1.R1.2.zip), and organized for easy deployment using the Hercules System/370 emulator.

Community on Groups.io

Most VM/370 R6 discussion occurs on the Hercules-390 VM mailing list at https://groups.io/g/h390-vm.


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