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JES3 Modifications Tape           Updated Aug - 29 - 2000

The files are all packaged with PKZIP and are in EBCDIC so you download, unzip, upload as Binary to your mainframe to an FB80 data set.  Data sets are suffixed .XMI and are in XMIT format so you will need to do a RECEIVE INDATASET(?) on the file you upload to transform it back to something useable.

Need more help?  Having Trouble? See our download instructions.

If you have a JES3 mods tape (1996 or later) you may want to save some time and download only the changed members package it is much smaller.

Complete JES3 Mods Package  6.1M
Recent Changes to JES3 Mods Package 1.1M
This is a zipped file of an XMITted PDS containing a replacement for JES3 SDF. This version re-introduces the DSP and has some other small fixes. It is running on our OS/390 2.9 system. This version  restores the ability to look at the spool from another system.
It's still version 2.9, but I changed the version to 2.9g (to indicate incremental iupdates) - g because there have been a number of updates which weren't
designated. This way you'll be able to tell if you have it or not.  The other recently updated files are also included here.

Alan Field new.gif (93 bytes)   September, 2000

This version has also now been tested by 
Alan on z/OS 1.1 and found to continue to work OK.

GUIDE JES3 Tuning Guide
March 1989 (DCF Script Source)
GUIDE JES3 Tuning Guide
March 1989 (Script output formatted for 3211 or3800)
Cover Letter ($$$COVER member)
Documentation ($$$DOC member)

The JES3 tape is still being maintained.   If you have any updates Alan Field would be glad to here from you.  Complete current contact information can be found in the Cover Letter.


SHARE JES3 Project Logo coiled snake

Visit the SHARE JES3 Project page



A little extra bit useful to JES3 folks who miss the TL DSP courtesy of Ed Jaffe and Richard Fine


On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Franky Goethals wrote:

> In our earlier release of JES3 we made our NOLABEL-Tapes by the TL-function
> of JES3.
>> Now this feature isn't supported anymore by JES3. The function has been
> removed.
>> Has anyone an other solution for this else as DITTO ? We don't need DITTO
> for the moment.
>> Thanks in advance for any reaction.
We experienced the same problem when installing JES3 SP 5.2.1 as that was
the release when the TL DSP was removed.  I mentioned this to Richard Fine
(JES3 Development in Poughkeepsie).  He informed me that he had written a
small REXX exec to simulate TL's primary functions.  I asked him to send
it to me and that's what we've been using ever since.  What's especially
nice is that it works in JES2 environments as well.

Furthermore, Richard agreed to allow me (or anyone) to freely distribute
the REXX exec with the understanding that this is *not* formally supported
code from IBM and should also not be incorporated into any product "for

The REXX exec can be found at ftp://phoenixsoftware.com/pub/demo/tl.cmd

| Edward E. Jaffe                | Voice:      (310) 338-0400 x318     |
| Mgr., Research & Development   | Facsimile:  (310) 338-0801          |
| Phoenix Software International | Internet:   edjaffe@netcom.com      |
| 9841 Airport Blvd, Suite 700   | IBM Mail:   USS24J24 at IBMMAIL     |
| Los Angeles, CA 90045          | Web page:   www.phoenixsoftware.com |


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